Monday, April 4, 2011

Severe Weather is Coming..... Are You Ready?

Hey everyone!  As spring kicks into high gear here in the Upper Midwest, so does another weather aspect..... severe weather!  While the violent wrath of mother nature can be exciting (or terrifying) to watch, you should always be ready when severe weather threatens your life and property!  Coming up next week is Severe Weather Awareness Week in Wisconsin & Minnesota (it's in Iowa this week) and I'll be having a post everyday on various aspects of severe weather!  But before that, it's important to start making a severe weather survival kit to have ready for when severe weather strikes (and as Southern Wisconsin found out last night, the season has begun!).

A severe weather kit may seem like something you don't even want to think about, but it can be a major life saver in the event that you are impacted with the wrath of mother nature!  So here is a list of items everyone needs to have ready in a severe weather kit this season:

The Basics:
  • 1 gallon of water per person per day - to keep you hydrated.
  • An emergency non-perishable food ration - high energy bars work great for this.  Also, avoid salty foods as these will make you thirsty!
  • 2 Emergency Blankets - to stay warm or shield you from debris.
  • 1 Multi-purpose tool - like a Swiss Army knife... something that will come in handy!
  • 4 - 12 Hour Light Sticks - so you can see and others can see you!
  • Several Plastic Bags - for sanitation purposes if your trapped!
  • Pocket Tissue
  • Ponchos for every member of your family.
  • First Aid Kit - for any wounds you may receive!
  • Whistle - so you can let others know where you are.
  • Prescription Drugs - so you don't run out when you need them!
  • NOAA Weather Radio - Important so you know when the storm has passed and it's safe to leave your safe place.
Gloves - for protection for your hands
Pliers - to shut off gas and water lines in need be.
Playing cards - keeps your mind off of things

Now, this list can obviously be added too depending on the individual needs of you and your family.  But having this basic kit on hand will be a useful tool should severe weather strike in your neck of the woods.

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